For Health and Performance
We seek to positively impact the trajectory of the Sports and Richmond Communities through teaching mindfulness.
Fight and Smile Program
Studies are showing that the student athlete population is experiencing increased rates of anxiety, depression, mental exhaustion and suicide. Our Fight and Smile program was designed to positively impact this trend by empowering student-athletes with proven, proactive tools to enhance their mental health and performance. Every donation to our Fight and Smile initiative goes towards mindfulness training for the future leaders of your community and beyond.
Help the Helper Program
In basketball, there is a foundational concept of being ready to 'help' whoever is guarding the ball AND ensuring that we support that 'helper.' In Alex's reality of navigating two stage-four cancers, his wife, Sarah, is that Helper and in our society those Helpers range from first-responders and educators to parents and nonprofits. It is our mission to be a resource for those community champions who exhaust themselves for others.
Corporate Mindfulness Program
The demands of work and reintegrating back into a new normal can really do a number on your central nervous system, which bleeds into the work experience, the workplace culture and the bottom line. Job stress is estimated to cost American companies more than $300 billion a year in health costs, absenteeism and poor performance. Mental illness will contribute to $16 trillion in lost output by 2030. It has been estimated that a $1 investment in mental health promotion generates a $3 to $5 return on investment.
Legendary human, father, mentor and mindfulness coach, Alex Peavey, has been given days, weeks and months to live over his five year battle with two stage-four cancers. His approach has been simple and inspiring, FIGHT AND SMILE. In the face of competition and challenge, exhaust yourself for a purpose or community that is greater than you and choose joy every step of the way. The Peavey Project, a Richmond based non-profit, seeks to amplify the lessons and legacy of Alex Peavey and positively impact the trajectory of our community by teaching mindfulness and mental performance skills.​

One hundred percent of donations are used for teaching mindfulness as a tool to enhance personal health, performance and the communities we serve.​ The Peavey Project is qualified as a charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code: Tax ID: 87-1481908. Contributions to the foundation are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
The Peavey Project​
11905 Glen Gary Ct.
Henrico, VA 23233