Our goal is to work with 100 teams as quickly as possible without sacrificing quality or relationship building. In two years we are at 38. With most of our teams participating in four or more sessions. We are enhancing mental health and performance one team at a time!

"Our experience with the Peavey Project was eye opening and beneficial to our team. They saw how the power of their thoughts, breathing, and emotional mastery can take you where you want to be on & off the field. They saw that while it can be difficult to do consistently, small things add up & make a big difference. I could go on, but I wanted to thank you guys for the work you did with our program. Worth every penny and then some. I will be gladly be a spokesperson for anyone who needs help taking the jump with you all.”
Jordan Williams, PCT Men’s Head Lacrosse Coach
“The Peavey Project is a great resource for athletes to use to help improve their mindset both on and off the field.”
PJ M., College Senior
“Would recommend to all teams. Reinforces what we communicate as coaches in a scientific backed way. Gives practices to help improve focus and emotional control. Will improve performance and general wellbeing. Highly recommend!”
Pat Corrigan, Ferrum Men’s Head Basketball Coach
“The Peavey Project gave me tools that every student athlete should know and utilize in order for them to grow into the best they can be.”
Drew G., College Sophomore
“An eye opener, it gave me more tools of being able to perform better. It also helped me a lot with getting over my mistakes and rebounding quickly.”
Ryan A., College Freshman
“It taught me how I can manage my life as a student athlete and ways to help myself focus and be more mindful about my emotions and about my body.”
Henry W., High School Junior
“The Peavey Project really helped me mentally to perform better on the field. As a freshman facing guys 4- 5 years older than me can be scary, especially for the first time. This experience allowed me to control my emotions on and off the field so I can perform at my best.”
Joey R., College Freshman

If your team wants to participate in a mindfulness training program, contact us at admin@thepeaveyproject.org